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Microsilica Powder
Resin Beton Bartar Co.
Tile Adhesive
Resin Beton Bartar Co.
Resin Beton Bartar Co.
Concrete Admixtures & Plasticizers
Water-reducing admixture Plasticizers1. To achieve a higher strength by decreasing the water cement ratio at the same workability as an admixture free mix.2. To achieve the same workability by decreasing the cement content so as to reduce the heat of hydration in mass concrete.3. To increase the workability so as to ease placing in accessible location Super Plasticizers1. Increased fluidity2.
Resin Beton Bartar Co.
Bituminous Primer
BITUMER W800 is a non-fibrated water based bitumen emulsion. It is dark brown in color and dries to a black flexible protective coating. The finished film is tough and waterproof and forms a barrier to water and vapor transmission.Usage Protection to a variety of buried structures such as concrete foundations and retaining wallsInsulation provides a vapor barrier for cold storage rooms etcMetal protection provides protection for structural steelwork pipes etcGeneral waterproofing and d
Resin Beton Bartar Co.