Lonely Tones

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“Lonely Tones”
Interactive Installation Art in 3D Projection
What are your lonely tones?
Everyone has the time to be lonely.Sometimes you cannot stand for the loneliness and blame yourself.Sometimes you deceive yourself but are found out by others.Sometimes you are too lonely to live with those hard feelings but want to put to death.No matter how lonely you are,we have resonance whenever the word ‘lonely’ is discussed.No matter you find sorrow or rage in loneliness, it somehow comes with a feeling of no choicebecause finally you cannot hide from loneliness but to stand for it quietly whenever it attacks.
Interactive Installation Art in 3D Projection
What are your lonely tones?
Everyone has the time to be lonely.Sometimes you cannot stand for the loneliness and blame yourself.Sometimes you deceive yourself but are found out by others.Sometimes you are too lonely to live with those hard feelings but want to put to death.No matter how lonely you are,we have resonance whenever the word ‘lonely’ is discussed.No matter you find sorrow or rage in loneliness, it somehow comes with a feeling of no choicebecause finally you cannot hide from loneliness but to stand for it quietly whenever it attacks.
“Tons Solitários”
Instalação de Arte Interactiva com Projecção 3D
Quais são os teus tons solitários?Todos temos alturas em que nos sentimos solitários.Às vezes, não consegues aguentar a solidão e acabas por culpar-te.Às vezes, iludes-te, mas acabas por ser desmascarado pelos outros.
Às vezes, estás tão sozinho para viver com esses sentimentos agressivos, que queres pôr um fim a tudo.Não importa o quão sozinho te sentes,
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